learn, laugh, live
Interest Groups
Art Appreciation, Announcements made for visits at General Meetings & Newsletters.
Art Appreciation.....possibly now art explorers!
We look at a wide range of artists and movements. This can include visits to churches, buildings, and exhibitions. At meetings, we discuss what venues and exhibitions are on show and decide which we wish to visit.
Meetings to decide on visits are held occasionally. Details of visits in the newsletter and at Monthly General Meetings
The group leader is Wendy Lines. More details from
We will publish our intended visits on the website and all are welcome to join us.
15 March 2022
Our first new look venture was to Wentworth Woodhouse so see the spectacular art installation ‘Listen’, as you can see from the photographs we also saw the Museum of the Moon which is on an international tour, 5 of us made the journey to see and we were well pleased we made the effort and hope to go again soon to see the house in daylight.